Nicomet Tinplate/Steel BV Logo

Nicomet Tinplate/Steel BV

About us | Nicomet Tinplate/Steel

Who is Nicomet Tinplate/Steel BV?

We are a supplier/trader/stockholder of secondary tin mill products like electrolytic tinplate (ETP), tin free steel (ECCS) and blackplate. We are an expert in secondary tinplate products like electrolytic tinplate (ETP), blackplate (TMBP) and tin free steel (ECCS). Nicomet Tinplate/Steel is a family company founded in 1968 by 1st generation J.W. Nicomet Tinplate is well known because of their good service and fast deliveries. Our diverse network of steel mill partnerships enables us to offer the most competitive products to meet your requirements.

Dordrecht, Netherlands

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 1975

Products & services of Nicomet Tinplate/Steel BV

Product Sheets | Nicomet Tinplate/Steel image


Sheets | Nicomet Tinplate/Steel

Nicomet Tinplate has regularly both side plain Tinplate sheets available. These tinplate sheets are often surplus or over production with small defects.

Product Coils | Nicomet Tinplate/Steel image


Coils | Nicomet Tinplate/Steel

Nicomet Tinplate/Steel can supply you with secondary Tin Free Steel coils. Our stock of secondary Tin Free Steel coils is mostly between the 0.14 – 0.50mm.

Product Sheets | Nicomet Tinplate/Steel image


Sheets | Nicomet Tinplate/Steel

Nicomet Tinplate has both side plain Tin Free Steel sheets available. These Tin Free Steel sheets are often surplus or over production with small defects.

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International Trade & Development


International Affairs and Trade

Contact of Nicomet Tinplate/Steel BV

City: Dordrecht

State: South Holland

Country: Netherlands

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Nicomet Tinplate/Steel BV

The company Nicomet Tinplate/Steel BV is located in Dordrecht, South Holland, Netherlands. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Nicomet Tinplate/Steel BV has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Nicomet Tinplate/Steel BV was founded in 1975

The company Nicomet Tinplate/Steel BV has it's main focus in the industries of International Affairs and Trade